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Welcome, New FCPS Employees

Welcome new FCPS staff to the 2023-2024 school year! We look forward to meeting you at Great Beginnings! Learn about what our union has accomplished over the past year to build union power and elevate member voices by reading our 2022-2023 Year in Review Newsletter.

FCFT's  2022-2023 


Download FCFT's 2022-2023 Year In Review PDF to learn about our highlights and wins over the past year.

FCFT is our union of FCPS employees who have, over the past 49 years, come together to address all of our individual needs and problems collectively. Whether you’re a bus driver, a custodian, food service worker, IA, counselor, specialist, teacher or other staff, you can have a say over your work–you can be empowered–if you stand with one another. And that is FCFT. We are the union for all non-administrative FCPS employees, and we stand together to make sure every last one of us has the resources, training, and support we need for our work and our students to thrive. 

What does it mean to be an FCFT Member?


Lyndsie G., School Based Technology Specialist: “After virtual learning I understood that being part of a union means strength through having a unified voice... Working through FCFT has given me a platform for advocacy and confidence in being an advocate.”

Nonye O., IB Coordination Teacher: “The union has provided me with professional development to understand what I’m expected to do and how to act as a professional, which has been very impactful for me as an educator.”


Larry L., Physical Education Teacher, “Bottom line, being with FCFT gives me the opportunity to make a difference.” 

As an FCFT member, you’ll be supported by union staff trained in FCPS policies and regulations and adept at bringing people together to organize for change. Union staff can guide you when you face issues on the job. But being in a union isn’t just about support and protection, it’s also about working for change. As a member-driven union, FCFT members are involved in activism and organizing to make FCPS better. 

It’s a vital time to join FCFT. We organized to protect students, families, and staff by making sure the county’s reopening plan is safe and science-based. Now, in Virginia, we have the chance to win collective bargaining and secure the rights of tens of thousands of FCPS employees to negotiate collectively with their employer. This is a huge opportunity to bring employee voice, fairness, and justice to our district.


If you believe in advancing the mission of public education, then stand with your fellow educators, specialists and educational support professionals and become a member of FCFT. We are part of the larger American labor movement, affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers, which represents 1.7 million members and the AFL-CIO, and we are working to bring collective bargaining rights to all non-administrative FCPS employees because we’ve seen it: we’re all stronger when we stand, speak, and bargain as one.


Join us by filling out an application here



or by emailing

And browse our website for more information!

12.10.21 FCFT Winter Happy Hour.jpg

Join a committee!  We have committees for Pay and Benefits, Planning Time, Special Education, Support Staff, Educator Shortages, and more


Become a Building Rep

Be a building representative.  Our worksite teams rely on member outreach


See a topic that needs a committee?  Reach out to our organizers at


7405 Alban Station Ct.

Suite B215

Springfield, VA 22150



Phone: (703) 451-6840

Fax: (703) 644-0330


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Fairfax Co. Federation of Teachers represents all non-administrative certified and classified Fairfax County public school employees. we are the teachers, counselors, librarians, teaching assistants, clerical employees, bus drivers, custodians, food service, and other staff who work so hard to make our schools work. 



Fairfax County Federation of Teachers is affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers and AFL-CIO. 

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