An Advocacy Letter to the FCPS Leadership Team - April 2021
Fairfax County Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals' Associations
with support from FCFT, MS DSS Association, HS DSS Association, FEA, and AFPE
April 2021
The Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals Associations, with support from MS DSS
Association, HS DSS Association, FEA, FCFT, and AFPE are writing this letter to collectively
express our significant concerns with the virtual instructional model currently being proposed for the 2021-22 school year which relies on utilizing concurrent instruction. This letter is being shared because, as the school-based instructional leaders in FCPS, we believe that our voices are not being heard or realistically considered.
The Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals and DSS Associations:
Support a full return to a five-day, in-person instructional model for all students.
Make the critical distinction between virtual instruction and concurrent instruction.
Advocate for centrally supported virtual instruction that does not utilize concurrent instruction.
Advocate that students applying for centrally supported virtual instruction follow a rigorous administrative review and approval process, with the understanding that virtual options may not include all course offerings available to in-person students.
Advocate for our stand alone special education programs to only have an in-person option. The virtual environment, regardless of model, is not conducive to the learning needs and behavioral challenges of students attending these programs.